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Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat 12 - 4pm


Jægersborggade 10 kld tv, 2200 København N

Jægersborggade 10 kld tv, 2200 København N

Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat 12 - 4pm


Mushiake-Yaki Cup

92,00 zł

Delicate small cup made for fine Gyokuro or premium Sencha. The seemingly weightless cup produces the feeling of only holding the tea liquid in your hand. The tone of the ash glaze has a calming effect. At the same time, the gray shade fits harmoniously with the green glow of tea. The shape itself is in classic "Fuji" style, which gives the gray shade of the cup an association to haze or smoke ?. The size of the cup is ideal for Gyokuro green tea, or sake, like fruity and light Junmai Ginjo.


  • Dimensions: H 4.3 cm x W 5.7 cm
  • Weight: 15 g