Autumnal Sake Tasting "Hiyaoroshi" 24.10.24 🍁🍁🍁 Autumnal Sake Tasting "Hiyaoroshi" 24.10.24 🍁🍁🍁

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+45 28560102
Store info

Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat 11am - 4pm


Jægersborggade 10 kld tv, 2200 København N

Jægersborggade 10 kld tv, 2200 København N

Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat 11am - 4pm

Shipping Info

Safe packaging is of high priority for us. Orders will always undergo thorough pre shipping routine, using solid packaging materials.

If you live in Copenhagen, you have the option to simply pick up your order at the Kita Sake store, conveniently located in the Noerrebro area of Copenhagen 

Map directions: Jægersborggade 45, Kld Th, 2200 København N

We ship internationally throughout Europe.